Photo by John Benitez


Ron Riekki

The Ghosts Can’t Brush Their Teeth Because They Can’t Hold a Toothbrush

My Next-Door Neighbor is a Gun Owner and I Know Because His Car Reminds Me Every Day

Someone Told the Scarecrow that He Needs to Lose Weight

I Wrote a Poem and My Poetry Professor Said I Wasn’t Making It Confusing Enough

Sarah Sarai

The Great Mute Who Is Almighty

The Shiny You Have Missed

Anna Butcher

I Have Aced a Realtor’s Math Course

Karen Neuberg


Neil Carpathios


Zero Calories

Michael Cole

Versatile Angel

Brad Rose

Who Could Ask for More?

Mike James

False Confessions

Catherine B. Krause

Myths and Facts About FBI Informants at Writing Workshops

Kira Homsher

To Throw a Party

Aidan Chafe

Superhero AA

Ulrica Hume

Hard Times

Carla Panciera

Artifact: September 1963

Korena Di Roma

Mary Is in the Marketplace

Peter Cashorall


Alyson Mosquera Dutemple

Sharon Tate

Lee Potts

This Legion of Edges

Thad DeVassie

Everything is Random

Nicole Callihan

Craft Talk (3); Zermatt

Craft Talk (5); Earth

Craft Talk (9); Poolside

Ann de Forest

October in Lazio

Samuel J Fox

Regrettable Vesper while Waiting for Autumn
