Unbroken #42
Cherie Hunter Day
Cora McCann Liderbach
Ella Wong
Gwen Sayers
Isaac Sleadd
Joanna Theiss
Kathleen Aguero
Kathleen Hellen
Kathleen McGookey
Kathryn Jones
Linda Eve Diamond
Mikki Aronoff
Olga Dermott-Bond
Peter Anderson
Robin Michel
Sara McClayton
Sarah Tate
Sean Whalen
Timothy Nolan
Vera Sandronsky
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Unbroken is a quarterly online journal that seeks to showcase prose poems and poetic prose, both from established and emerging voices. We desire to give the block, the paragraph, the unlineated prose, a new place to play.
Unbroken is edited by Ken Chau, Dale Wisely, Katherine DiBella Seluja, Tom Fugalli, and Tina Carlson. Roo Black is founding editor emeritus. Our staff spiritual advisor/caterer/karma broker is Rev. Boyd Razor, Ph.D. Our staff epistemologist/comptroller is Chen Kau. Our thanks to the contributors to this issue and all who submitted their work.
non-AI project