Unbroken #37: Gone with Stars and Moons

April 2023

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Catherine Arra

Naomi Azriel

Emily Brisse

Nancy Cherico

Mary Christine Delea

Joanna Fuhrman

Jill Gonet

Howie Good

Jessica Harkins

Richard Jordan

Gerry LaFemina

Shikha S. Lamba

Danielle Lemay

Pam Lemke

Kaecey McCormick

Karen Neuberg

Timothy Nolan

Elizabeth Porter

Kim Silva

Susan Sue

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Unbroken is a quarterly online journal that seeks to showcase prose poems and poetic prose, both from established and emerging voices. We desire to give the block, the paragraph, the unlineated prose, a new place to play. Unbroken is edited by Ken Chau, Dale Wisely, Katherine DiBella Seluja, Tom Fugalli, and Tina Carlson. Roo Black is founding editor emeritus. Our staff dentist/spiritual advisor is Da Note, DMD. Our thanks to the contributors to this issue and all who submitted their work.



deck of 52

