The Tale of Trees by Owen Bullock

A tree came into our office, sat down and demanded that we give it something useful to do. We got a chainsaw and sawed it into logs. The next day another tree appeared, same request, same response. But it kept happening, and we had nowhere to put the firewood. We told the next tree it could stand outside the window and give that side of the building some shade. It stood there all day, apparently quite happy. So now we’ve got trees placed strategically all around the building. Then one of our designers remembered some obscure fact from high school biology that trees take in carbon dioxide and give off oxygen (which we need). We all googled it and he was right. Since the air gets a bit stuffy in here, we put several trees in pots–the right size one seemed quite happy. Then we discovered varieties with healing properties in their leaves, so we let a few of those stay. It turns out there are no end of uses for trees. We’re hiring them out to other businesses–we’re making a lot of money from trees right now.


Owen Bullock has published three collections of poetry, five books of haiku and a novella, the most recent being Summer Haiku (2019) and Work & Play (2017). He has a website for his research: He teaches creative writing at the University of Canberra. @ProcessPoetry @OwenTrail

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash


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