He Has Not Been Right In the Head Since by Grant Guy

His name was Arthur. He was born from woman. Seeded by man. He has not been right in the head since. He was introduced to an alien God. His mother forced him to kiss the God’s hem. He has not been right in the head since. Some day last year (he does not remember when or does not know where or does not remember how or remembers what or does not remembers why), he stepped out in front of a city transit bus. He has not been right in the head ever since. He wanted to be an author. He wanted to be a poet. Leonard Cohen was God. The God of Suzanne. The God of Marianne. The God of Arthur. But he gave up on that idea the day he dropped ten tabs of acid when the Narcs raided his girlfriend’s apartment. He was taking a leak. He could have dropped the tabs down the toilet. But no. His Burkowski-self said to him, “Do what you like, and let it kill you”. It was so romantic, so poetic.” He has not been right in the head ever since. Examined by men and women in white coats it was decided he was not right in the head. He was not to be left alone. No one told Arthur. He wanted to see if he could fly. He has not been right in the head since. He died. He entered oblivion. He has not been right in the head since.

Grant Guy is a Winnipeg, Canada, poet, writer and playwright. Former artistic director of Adhere + Deny. His writings have been published in Canada, the United States, Wales, India and England. He has three books published. He was the 2004 recipient of the MAC’s 2004 Award of Distinction and the 2017 recipient of the WAC’s Making A Difference Award.