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Julie Gard

Viral Two-Step

Tanja Bartel

A Cat Pulling a Mouse Through a Crack With its Teeth
Expiration Dates
The Time I Saw Someone’s Childhood Without Them Knowing

Ken Poyner

The Man Who Painted His Wife Red

Catherine Shukle

When I Call Ramona at the Wastewater Treatment Plant

Jeremy Gregersen

Sistine Notebooks: Death of Nicanor
Sistine Notebooks: Abraham’s Sacrifice of Isaac

Caroline Barnes

It Wasn’t the Meat They Missed

Maddie Baxter

I Am Not Wallace Stevens

Andy Fogle

White Whirl

Richard Baldasty


Michael Cole

In Two Wing Beats

Julie Gard

Where’s Putin?
#MeToo, 1563

Fin Sorrel

Parts of Zero

Zebulon Huset

Explain Like I’m Five: First Love

Lenore Balliro

Alchemy: Outside Port au Prince

Brad Rose

Exit Row
My Funny Valentine

Bob Heman

Each Time


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